I had some notion that my current blog layout is just too simple and started browsing for something better. As you all know by now I am a girl and naturally I clicked 'girly templates' and there you are! PINK PINK PINK PINK PINK.......... and some more PINK! The background is PINK the foreground is PINK and the title is another PINK and the text is still some more PINK! I tried and tried. Browsed from page 1 to 17 to some more and still its PINK again. In the end I was just too frustrated to put in words even and switched to another site. This site had some nice templates and I thought I would put some of those but it did NOT work. So much for my hours of browsing. In the end the template stays as it is!
But let me tell you. I am a girl and I was born a girl and I like being a girl and I will always be a girl. I wonder if girls have tags with PINK in them. For one I like blue and violet! There was this actress on TV just days ago who declared her favourite colour was black. Then I wonder why every thing considered girly is PINK. I feel as girls its normal to like any colour. There are guys too who like red and pink who just feel shy tell that they like PINK. For instance Eragon(my bfs twin) loves red while Murtagh(my bf) likes blue. I think its just something individual and there should be some BLUE in GIRLY catagory some time soon for crying out loud!
So much for my shouting huh. hehe. These days its one girly thing after another. My to little sissys are growing up much too fast for their own good. Violet the elder one is still small just like Violet in The incredibles but Angie is growing up too fast! Um its her privacy right? Lets not go into that! I just hope they do well in their studies or else Mr Ouch! will not like it at all. And when he doesn't like it, things wont go so right either. I hope to do medicine. Ahhh! I wonder if I could do it and if I should really do it. Because I dont feel that I want to do it too much. Its like eight years of studies and what about marriage? and kids? and my life in general? Do I have the wits to study as much and not crack up? But there is nothing else I want to do either so its got to be this.. I cant stay doing nothing because as I said Mr Ouch! wont like it....
...the end
Send me some feedback about this Doc thing...
Miss Elanor Ouch!
1 comment:
Thought I'd stop back in and see how you were doing. I think the layout is a lot easier on the eyes!
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